Serious Shapes: Modern British Abstract art from the 1950's to today
For twenty-five years, the small town of St Ives in west cornwall was one of the leading places in the wold for the production of avant-garde art.
After the end of the Wold War II, Paris was no longer the eicentre of the art world and New York was a couple decades away from taking that title. Into this void stepped London. Its galleries thrived and its art market played witness to an art from that would dominate nationnal and international collections well into the twenty frist century. And yet, the art setting the world alight in the nations capatol, had its roots firmly grounded in the small fishing village of St Ives, as remote and far removed from the established and traditional art world, both geographically and intellectually as it was possible to be.
The story of St Ives and the artists who lived and worked there has captures the imagination of art lovers around the world. The potency of this artistic group and their legacy is represented here in this exhibiton at Stow Art House. With its focus on the landscape of West Cornwall and beyond, the "Serious Shapes" exhibition, in some small way, tell the story of the revolutionary Post War, "Modern British" art world.